Like some repetitive children’s book somewhere has probably said, “Everybody sweats”. However, the terrible smell that comes with sweat can be embarrassing for you and inconvenient for anyone close enough to smell you.
To prevent your body from giving off the same smell as 2-day-old efo riro, here are 5 tips to help fight body odour.
1) Shower multiple times a day.

More than once a day. Properly scrub all your body parts most likely to sweat e.g. armpit, crotch, back of the ears, under your breasts etc.
2) Thoroughly dry off your body after showering.

Because odour-causing bacteria require wet environments to thrive and would love nothing more than to have a kick-ass party/orgy in your damp crotch.
3) Use antiperspirants (to prevent sweat) or deodorants (to mask odours).

We suggest you use NIVEA deodorants because they provide a two-for-one combo. (Protect against sweat and odours for up to 48 hours.) Don’t dull.
4) Wear hot weather-appropriate fabrics.

To avoid sweating too much and starting to smell.
5) Do your laundry often.

Re-wearing clothes without washing them will lead to both you and your clothes smelling like egusi soup no one paid attention to. Do your damn laundry and do it often!

Remember, your motto needs to be: Never caught unfresh. And for that to happen, use NIVEA.
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