If there’s a lesson to be learned at the end of this lockdown, it’s that: staying at home is only sweet if it’s your choice. Otherwise, it’s like being told to wash plates when you already had it in mind to do it. It’s not just the same.
That being said, here are some Funke Akindele memes that perfectly sums up my life during this period.
1) When I hear someone cough:

Last warning.
2) Once I see yet another “data balance is running low” message:

These network providers want to finish me.
3) When a time-waster from the past hits me up out of boredom:

Go away, I don’t miss you
4) Day 1 of lockdown vs today:

Life came at me fast.
5) “Take this online course to learn how to…”

6) Me to Konji:

7) My face when my parents come to my room to “gist”:

Na me fuck up. If not for Corona, won’t I have moved out?
8) When the Government finally says it’s okay to go out:

9) How I look at my account balance these days:

There really is rice at home.
10) Anytime I hear someone say that 5G causes Coronavirus:

Do you think?
11) My appetite these days:

Brb. Going for another meal.
Have you read this? Funke Akindele Has Been Arrested, Here’s Everything We Know.
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