On any given day and twice on Sundays, caring for your natural hair and having it look fairly presentable no be anyhow beans. Throw in caring for your hair in the middle of a pandemic that scares you from outsourcing any parts of your care routine, and you have your work cut out for you.

If you’ve suddenly found yourself thrown into the role of hair guru in this crazy period, we know what that’s all about:
How you watch YouTube videos for the correct steps to take during wash day

Okay pre-poo, section hair. I get it, I get it.
Your bathroom when you’re done mixing up all the honey, eggs and other hair treatment products for your deep conditioning

Who knew this work was so hard?
Sucking at your first attempt to twist your hair and waking up with 8 out of 12 loosened twists

And you people said there’s justice in the world.
How the mess in your room makes you feel after making the terrible decision to comb your hair out and twist it in there.

Who sent you work?
How sad you get when you remember you were playing ten-ten when other girls were learning to braid in the form

See my life on the streets
How you prep yourself the first time you attempt braids

You can do it girl!
The braids when you start them

E for effort