“Don’t pop your pimple.” “Sleep facing up.” “Avoid soda.” Women who struggle with skin issues have had it with all the generic skincare tips. Granted, some of the tips are indeed necessary, but hardly do they bring about the desired results or tackle the problem head-on.
Also, people who have genetically clear skin should not say pim! plis.
1. “Drink water…”
…at least 6-7 glasses a day. Before, is it urine people have been drinking? Scam.

2. “Eat fruit and vegetables”
You know what? Just say you can’t help our life, nobody will beat you.

3. “Wash your pillowcase”
This pillowcase is cleaner than your scalp. Say something new please, don’t let someone stone you shoe.

4. “It’ll clear on its own”
Someone’s crush will be at an event tomorrow and you’re saying it’ll go away? When? It’s been one year, Leticia.

5. “Stop eating groundnut”
This one is usually unsolicited. You’ll be minding your business and one person will see it fit to say, “Ah. It’s groundnut that’s causing pimples on your face. Stop eating it too much.” It’s the audacity. You that might have not tasted groundnut in the past 3 months.

6. “I don’t have a routine”
Why lying? We bet you have a skincare stash as tall as the wall of Jericho, and a routine you follow religiously. So, why this? Boya they should beat the routine out of you.

Hey, sis. If you need some practical, basic skincare tips that will actually work, read this article.