Now more than ever it’s important for us to keep healthy and get our nutrition right. It’s not enough to just say we are exercising and eating and fruits and vegetables, we have to do it. While there are some fruits I could happily eat for the rest of my life, there are some you couldn’t pay me to eat. I’ve ranked the most popular of them in Nigeria from worst to best
Paw Paw

I’ve never been able to place what my problem with Paw Paw is, but I absolutely can’t stand it. If you were to make an objective list of sweet fruits, you might include Paw Paw, but you couldn’t pay me to eat it. Its texture is so weird, it’s even worse when it has gone soft. And tastes even nastier in any other form or paired with any other fruit. Can you imagine drinking Paw Paw juice? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

I don’t get Guavas. For such a small fruit, why are there so many seeds in it? Why is it so hard? Why does it make my teeth feel so weird every time I eat it? But most importantly, who in the world likes them?

I don’t know why anyone would go through the stress of cutting open a watermelon taking out the seeds and eating it when you can just drink water. Not to mention the added stress of having to spit out the seeds you missed with every bite. And what’s your reward after all this? Pretty much just slightly flavoured water that you can somehow chew. 2/10 will not recommend.

Is it weird to love orange juice but kind of dislike oranges as a fruit? I find eating an orange to be unnecessarily stressful when I can just squeeze the juice out and drink the best part straight up. Yes, I know eating the entire thing is good for you, but I’ll pass.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think apples are anyone’s favourite fruit. They are not the worst fruit, but they aren’t the best fruit. Apples are what I buy when I’ve been sitting in traffic for too long and the fear of diabetes won’t let me buy my tenth pure bliss. Also, green apples taste better than red apples don’t debate this.

I love mangoes. My problem with them is that for me to enjoy a mango it has to be many things. It has to be very firm so I can cut it into slices. If it’s even a little soft, I can’t eat it. It can’t be Cherry Mango because I find them a little too sweet. The skin can’t be too thin and it has to be sizable because I have no interest in eating around the seed until the hairs are completely white.

Here’s my problem with pineapples asides the fact that they are a little stressful to peel. I can never tell the difference between the sweet and tart ones. I know some people are senseis with this and all they need to do is smell it. But I can’t. And I get very angry when I go through the stress of peeling a pineapple and getting slapped with tartness when I’m expecting sweetness.

Agbalumos only flaw is that it doesn’t grow year-round. It’s an absolute travesty that year after year we get to revel in its glory for only a couple of months. While I might not know how to pick a sweet pineapple, I have an eye for Agbalumo. The trick is the darker the skin, the sweeter the juice. You know your Agbalumo is perfect when it’s so sweet that you had to chew the skin into gum too.

Avocados are not really a fan favourite and I get why. But I’m here to convince you to give Avocado a chance. They may not be the sweetest fruits, but everything in your life need not be sweet. Avocados are purposely bland to give you an opportunity to create what you want from it. You can eat it with bread or fish and it really bangs with dry garri, thank me later.

Banana is a perfect fruit. I can’t say we expected anything less from an offshoot of plantain. They are completely fuss-free. All you need to do is peel and eat. They are sweet. They go with everything from rice to groundnut. What’s not to love? P.S. if you’ve never eaten banana with rice you need to fix that ASAP.