There are two types of people in the world. People who enjoy eggs and people who clearly don’t recognise the finer things of life. Eggs can be consumed in so many different forms, that if you don’t like them in at least one form, you need to consider that the problem might not be eggs, the problem might be you. As great as eggs are, some types are greater than others, which is why we’ve ranked all the ways eggs can be made from the worst to the best.
Poached eggs

I like my eggs plain and a little runny which is pretty much what poached eggs are. But whenever I eat poached eggs, I can’t seem to shake the feeling that I’m eating raw eggs. I know for some people seeing the yolk run out when they break into a poached egg is food porn. For me, it’s just gross.
Omelette/fried egg

What most Nigerians consider to be their favourite way for eggs to be made, might be my least favourite. I like my eggs plain, and omelettes have too much going on for them. If I wanted something with sausages and vegetables in it, I’d just order shawarma.
Plain fried egg

With a little bit of salt and pepper and some butter, is the only way an egg should be fried. Yes, this is me shading omelettes.
Boiled eggs

Say what you want about Ghanaians and their love for eggs, but they are on to something because boiled eggs are great. Maybe not as eggs kebabs but soft boiled eggs served with indomie that has been spoiled with love hits the spot. I also want to take this opportunity to say that hard-boiled eggs are disgusting and the only way you should eat a boiled egg is when it’s almost runny. See above.
Egg sauce

Giving that I just dragged omelettes for doing too much, me caping for egg sauce might seem like I’m contradicting myself. But they aren’t the same thing. Egg sauce is a dish made with stew or tomatoes as its primary base. It’s very different from omelette and is pure perfection when you pair it with boiled yam.
Plain scrambled eggs

There’s an art to making scrambled eggs. If they are too well done, then they might as well be fried eggs. If they are too easy, then you might as well drink your eggs raw like an animal. Finding the perfect balance between the two is the key to making perfect scrambled eggs.
Sunny side up

Sunny side up eggs are nothing short of perfection. They go with everything from burgers to breakfast. And always taste the same way the good Lord intended for us to enjoy eggs.