If you’ve ever been saved by the healing power of noodles, this post is for you.
Here are some of the times it has come through:
1) During broke days.
Especially when we were students. God safe us.

2) When you’re too lazy to cook.
Indomie fills the gap when you’re too lazy to cook real food but too hungry to eat snacks.

3) When you wake up in the middle of the night and you’re feeling peckish.
Really, are you proud of yourself?

4) As a cover-up for the fact that you can’t cook.
If you know, you know.

5) As a quick snack when bae comes over.
Throw in eggs to show that you care.

6) To hold belle while waiting for beans to boil.
Don’t judge me.

7) For overnight shenanigans.
If Indomie isn’t in your overnight bag, then I don’t know for you oh.
Nothing slaps harder than chewing raw Indomie in the middle of the night as you ponder on all decisions that got you to where you are.