If you have ever gone to the market to price meat before then you’ll be able to relate to this post.
Here are a list of lies meat sellers think they are deceiving us with.
1) “This one is not bone.”
It is definitely bone.

2) “This one is biscuit bone.”
It is still bone.

3) “Meat don cost.”
Year in, year out. Meat has never been cheap.

4) “You get aroro.”
This is their go to statement when they’re trying to finesse you. Price the life out of that meat, kings and queens.

5) “Add something ontop let me just sell.”
Aka vibes.

6) ‘Walahi, I can’t cheat you.”
More vibes.

7) Their first asking price is a lie.
You: How much?
Meat seller: Bring 4k
You: How much last?
Meat seller: How much you wan pay?

8) ‘You want to send me back to my village.”

9) “You’ll eat this meat into next month.”
Meat that will finish after four days.

10) “Customer, you have cheated me.”
More and more lies.