The general reaction when we think or talk about cockroaches is disgust. However, meeting a flying roach in person is a whole different ball game. Ladies, this is what a man’s reaction to a flying cockroach says about him in bed. Don’t try to understand the inference, I am about to drop some nuggets so pay close attention.
The Squealer
If you’ve ever heard a squeal born of fright, you’d know how annoying they can be. So, if a man squeals from seeing a flying roach you know that he is submissive in bed. He’s the type that would call you mistress and ask you to spit on him so he can orgasm faster. Congratulations, you get to be a Dom.

The Screamer
Please note that there is a difference between a squealer and a screamer. One is shrill and short while the other is a lot harsher. The screamer will most likely dominate you. There are so much pent up emotions in him that his default reaction to terror is a scream. Sis, that man will tie you up and beat you like you stole his edibles.

The Hider
This man when faced with a flying roach will quickly try and hide behind you, using you as a shield between himself and pure evil. Honey, you will do all the work in bed. This one will just lie down and tell you to ride him while he does absolutely nothing. You will find yourself doing the most while he reaps the fruit of your ride-or-die labour.

The stand and stare
Any man who freezes in front of you when faced with a flying cockroach cums quickly. For men like this, certain experiences always overwhelm them to the point that they are helpless. Even if it’s just dirty talk, oga will get there.

The pursue and fight
First off, this man is a serial killer or a ritualist. The only reason anyone’s first reaction to a flying roach is to chase and kill it is that they face a greater evil every day. What is a greater evil than a flying cockroach if not satan? This man is well versed with the act of harvesting organs. They are the ones that will promise to shift your womb and you will be chuckling. Sis, chuckle in danger cause he means that shit. You’re about to die from great sex and later, rituals. Stay woke.

For more content, read 5 Women Tip Men On Taking The Perfect Nudes.