1. Checking out natural-haired ladies and admiring them from afar.

They look really good oh.
2. Trying to decide whether or not it will suit you.

It will abeg.
3. Deciding to just go for it.

You don’t have a lot to lose.
4. Making the choice to transition, so you can back out if you can’t cope with the change.

The big chop isn’t for you.
5. Three months in, you can no longer do this kind of hairstyle.
Because your edges are not on fleek. The pain!
6. Combing your hair is no longer a good experience four months in.

You’re losing hair like a cancer patient.
7. But you encourage yourself to hold on. It’ll be worth it in the end.
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For All The Transitioners #ItAintOver #BeEncouraged ?
Posted by
Myisha Thomas on Monday, September 7, 2015
8. So you get all the wigs and weavons you could possibly need.
Don’t forget the braids.
9. You realise that whoever told you natural hair is inexpensive lied.
You need all these hair products.
10. Six months in, your hair is two different textures and you’re at a crossroad.

To be or not to be? To continue on this journey or just grab back your relaxed tresses while you still can?
11. Then you see someone that gives you hope.

I see you!
12. Twelve months in, you made it! Time to let go of the past…
13. And embrace your future.
Welcome to the natural hair club!